Some day somebody's going to say "I wish we had as much Punk down here as in 2009." The sad fact is that even once-popular music will age and wither, and one day nobody will be left who has seen its origins or remembers its trials and tribulations. Dozens of bands playing shows every week will be impossible to grasp. A shirt with an unknown band's insigna will adorn a rack in a thrift store or some boxes in someone's attic. One day, today will be vintage. But not tomorrow. Not soon.
EDIT updated show info/flyer for Roger Miret & The Disasters on Thursday
Eztorbo Social have a couple new unmastered tunes on their MySpace and I recommend checking them out. I like the fact that it's nearly impossible to enjoy them in the sense of any traditional popular music... it's an assault on your ears that sounds good. Well, to me anyway =) Also, go to The Slackers on Friday and TBH's toy drive at Radio-Active Records on Saturday! Please, think of the babbies.
If you're in WPB and like punk, hardcore/thrash and metal come on out to Respectables on Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
Respectable Street (518 Clematis St., West Palm Beach, FL) -
Fall Of Olympus, Installing Chaos, To Be Hated9pm, $5 21+/$8 under 21, 18 and up?

I still need to rustle up a flyer for this, but I found this show listing a while back and it looks pretty interesting. Hardcore, psychobilly and more? I don't understand why it was listed as 7pm yet either, that's pretty insanely early for Churchill's.
EDIT Ha, I completely missed who this is! Roger Miret and Vinnie Stigma of Agnostic Front. You can buy tix from Slammie
here.Thursday, December 10th, 2009
Churchill's Pub (5501 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL) -
Roger Miret & The Disasters, Vinnie Stigma, Mehkago N.T., Viva le Vox7pm (yeah right), $10, 18 and up

Poorhouse may be boring now but the music sure ain't. Come have a brew and listen to some of the best hardcore punk and oi in South Florida.
Poorhouse (110 SW 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL) -
Murderous Rampage, No Class Action, Howitzer10pm, free, 21+

This isn't punk, again, but it
is my blog and I retain the right to provide unrelated content. Specifically The Slackers playing at Churchill's on Friday night. This is kind of what I wait for every year, so please come join me and lets skank the night away. Please, PLEASE, if you come try not to act like you're too cool to dance! Yes, miami is the shizzle and all and i'm sure you have seen more impressive bands in your life. But if you like the music you don't have to be afraid to move your tuchis a little!
Friday, December 11th, 2009
Churchill's Pub (5501 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL) -
The Slackers, The Duppies, The Methodaires, Only Right Left9pm, $10 presale $12 door, 18 and up

If you're near Pompano Beach and like really bad dive bars, come check out Belt Buckle Death Sentence and Premo vs The World at Area 7. This is a really "funny" place, but they make up for it with a $20 bottomless beer pitcher. Make sure to wink at the bartenders and maybe you can take grandma home?
Area 7 Music & Ale (3809 N Powerline Rd, Oakland Park, FL) -
Belt Buckle Death Sentence, Premo vs. The World and the Jesus Fish Experiment10pm, ?, 18 and up?
.... And if you're closer to Fort Lauderdale Airport, check out Angry Pudding at The Monterey Club (formerly Zoo Bar, attached to Kreepy Tiki).
The Monterey Club (2608 S. Federal Hwy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL) -
Angry Pudding, $3 Mess, Rock City Angels9:30pm, $5, 18 and up?

Now here's a show to check out. Talk about variety. Punk, experimental, noize, and more... all for free, all ages and early! This show is also a toy drive, so please bring an unopened toy to help bring some joy to the kids for the holidays. Get some records while you're there and support a great local business.
Saturday, December 12th, 2009
Radio-Active Records -
Mr. Entertainment & The Pookiesmackers, To Be Hated, Jolly Badfellow, Premo VS. The World, Big E & The Lazy Texans, Kenny Millions2pm, free, all ages

If you're in WPB and want to help the kids, check out Angry Pudding at Respectables. It's a toy drive so try to bring one unwrapped toy to help out (it is a free show after all).
Respectable Street (518 Clematis St., West Palm Beach, FL) -
Angry Pudding, Rock City Angels, Big Bang Radio, The Retrocities, The Notary8pm, free, 18 and up?

Back at Poorhouse again is a psychobilly-esque troupe The Gladezmen along with TBH. I like any time the words "live", "free" and "bar" are combined.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Poorhouse (110 SW 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL) -
The Gladezmen, To Be Hated10:30pm, free, 21+