Wednesday, October 21
The Firefly (219 NE 20th St, Miami, FL) - From the Depths, Mysterious Rabbit Puppet Army, Merkit
6:30pm, $5, all ages
I almost forgot Toxic Thursdays! The continuation of your Thursday punk night in Fort Lauderdale. Still very few shows in Broward so let's keep the momentum going.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pulp Live - Jolly Badfellow, The Livvers, The Ugly Harts
10pm, $4, 18 and up
As you can read in this flyer, this show is in part a memorial to Giovanni of Dromdead, a Venezuelan hardcore group. A bunch of them were attacked on the streets and one died from his injuries. The kid was only 21. It's disturbing that a kid like that dies and Bernard Madoff lives. But the world ain't fair, yadda yadda, so come out and slam in the pit and celebrate life.
Friday, October 23
Churchill's Pub - Fortitude, Nobodys Hero, Unit Six, To Be Hated, Enough, M66, Pool Party
9pm, $5, ?

Poprox - Riot Agents, Mad Martigan, Boy Prostitute, Los Imigrantes, Live Suicide
maybe 9pm?, $5, probably 18+ or 21+
This isn't strictly punk but it's good muzak. Scott makes some great 1-man blues and Viva Le Vox is a sort of "southern punk"... I hesitate to label it any further. Kinda far, but I don't think Scott is coming down to Churchill's again this year :(
Saturday, October 24
Rack'em Billiards - Scott H. Biram, Viva Le Vox
9:30pm, ?, ?
For all you kids with nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon there's a nice wholesome free all-ages show at 2pm in Ftl. They've got some decent records too, if you're into that kinda thing. If you get sushi in this plaza make sure it's from the small japanese market and not the crappy giant sushi house next door.
Sunday, October 25
Radio-Active Records - To Be Hated, Break On Through, The Actuaries
2pm, free, all ages
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