First up is your pre-Turkey day Ska show @ Maguire's Hill 16 in Ft. Laud. The Methodaires are a very good "original" ska troupe with a very lovely and talented singer and many talented musicians, so check them out if you've nothing else to do tonight.
Wednesday, November 25th, 2009
Maguires Hill 16 (535 N. Andrews Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL) - The Methodaires
10pm, free, 21+
Thursday Churchill's brings you a Turkey Day punk show with your favorite miamian street-punk locals. Fill your belly with tryptophan, then your ears with sweet punk rock!
Thursday, November 26th, 2009
Churchill's Pub (5501 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL) - Guerrilleros de Nadie, Enough, M-66, Baker Acted, O.P.S
9pm, $5, 18+
On Friday is the return of the touring Koffin Kats as well as the Arrogant Bastards, and a slathering of more psycho/rocka-billy and punk. I still have pictures from their last showing, with the lead singer half-naked and covered in blood...

Ahh, good times =)
Friday, November 27th, 2009
Churchill's Pub (5501 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL) - The Koffin Kats, Arrogant Bastards, The Van Orsdels, The Wreckenstein Brawlers, Riot Agents
9pm, ?, 18+
Now, I don't know much about this (yet) but there's apparently an initiative by some local Miami punk groups to try to get a DIY space together for people to work together and form more of a community. I am psyched about this! I really hope they can pull it off. Apparently they have some kind of pool tourney on Saturday but I couldn't find an address (yet), will edit when I find it.
Saturday, November 28th, 2009 - Guerrilleros de Nadie, Baker Acted, Gorilla Pussy, Eztorbo Social
?, $10, ?
Now, I don't know anything about these artists (I *really* wish I had more time to research) but in the interest of expanding musical horizons, here's a show at The Talent Farm on Sunday. I suggest doing what I should have done and look them up on MySpace and judge for yourself.
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
The Talent Farm (20911 Johnson St. #111, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029) - Soul Control, Harbinger, Centuries, Betrayed by Life
6pm, $10, ?
Another Radio-Active Matinee in Fort Lauderdale. These are great because they're early-as-hell, free and all-ages, so anyone should be able to come out and check out some good local bands. And hey, the record store is pretty pimp too! Give your local independent businesses some love huh?
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
Radio-Active Records (1930B East Sunrise Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304) - To Be Hated, Installing Chaos, The Strikeouts, Gutter Queens
2pm, free, all ages
And we wrap up the week with another good 'ol street/hardcore punk show at Churchill's. Sunday is always tough for a late-night punk show, but when the shows get tough, the tough buy RedBull.
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
Churchill's Pub (5501 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL) - Nobody's Hero, To Be Hated, Installing Chaos, Years Ago
9pm, $5, 18+